================================================ ### SUMMARY ================================================ Total files checked: 4. Total source files found: 2. ================================================ ### SOURCE FILES BREAKDOWN ================================================ .h: 1 .cpp: 1 ================================================ ### BINARY FILES BREAKDOWN ================================================ .png: 1 ================================================ ### OTHER STATS ================================================ Found 1 binary file references across 1 files. Found 23 OpenGL function calls across 1 files. Found 22 OpenGL enum identifier references across 1 files. ================================================ ### COMPILER OUTPUT ================================================ Execution time: 0:00:10.336537 for 145.99 KB. Compiler flags: -O2 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -g4 -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1 --embed-file "ConJS202.png" STDOUT ~~~ mkdir -p html_output mkdir -p html_output/assets /home/raulroa/Code/xcompiler/emscripten/em++ texture.cpp -O2 -s ALLOW_MEMORY_GROWTH=1 -g4 -s LEGACY_GL_EMULATION=1 --embed-file "ConJS202.png" -o html_output/index.html STDERR ~~~ WARNING root: Disabling asm.js validation for memory growth (memory can grow, but you lose some amount of speed) warning: Output contains some very large functions (8369 lines in __ZL14stbi_load_mainP4stbiPiS1_S1_i), consider building source files with -Os or -Oz, and/or trying OUTLINING_LIMIT to break them up (see settings.js; note that the parameter there affects AST nodes, while we measure lines here, so the two may not match up)